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Soybean MealGroundnut

GNL is the premier extractor of Soya Oil in Ghana. Because of the solvent extraction process GNL is able to provide Soya Meal that meets international standards. This reflects in a high protein level of 48% to 50% and a low oil level of less than 2%. The plant is classed as an oilseed rather than a pulse.

Fat-free (defatted) soybean meal is a primary, low-cost, source of protein for animal feeds and most prepackaged meals[citation needed]; soy vegetable oil is another valuable product of processing the soybean crop. For example, soybean products such as textured vegetable protein (TVP) are important ingredients in many meat and dairy analogues.

GroundnutSoybean meal is a flour made by grinding the solid residue of soybean oil production. It is widely used as a filler and source of protein in animal diets, including pig, chicken, cattle, horse, sheep, and fish feed.

Our Soybean meal is made from high quality, sound, clean, dehulled yellow beans, since beans with a dark colored seed coat, or even beans with a dark hilum will inadvertently leave undesirable dark specks in the flour.

If you're interested in ordering a consignment of our products, please complete the form (right) and we'll be happy to assist.


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